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Family of Frederick^4 Van Wicklen 

Frederick^4 Van Wicklen (Evert^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. abt. 1724, Jamaica, Queens, NY

Married: Margrietie (Geritje) Springsteen (b. 1725, Jamaica, LI), 31 October 1747 NewtownPresb Church (GBR 56:173).

1. Evert^5 Van Wicklen, b. 1748, Success, LI
2. Antyi^5 Van Wicklen, b. 1750, Jamaica, LI
3. David^5 Van Wicklen, b. 1755, Jamaica, LI
4. Frederick^5 Van Wicklen, b. abt 1757, LI
5. Gerrit^5 Van Wicklen, b. 1763, Flatlands, LI
6. Margaret^5 Van Wicklen, b. abt 1771, LI
7. possibly others...as indicated by Harry Macy, p. 146 in reference listed below (An unplaced women might also belong here. Catherine Van Wickeler, m. (lic.) Robert Hill 13 Jan 1776 (New York Marriages Previous to 1784, 434). The IGI, Family Search.com identifies an Andrew Van Wyckle (b. abt. 1745, Queens, NY and m. to Lena Covert abt. 1770. The Evert (b. 1848) shown above has a child (b. 1773) from a liaison with Lena (Covert) Golder. So...if there is an Andrew Van Wyckle m. to Lena Covert, it might well be an older brother of the Evert listed here. See notes on Lena and Evert below. A Jane Van Wicklen, b. 18 April 1854, d. 5 February 1844, bur. Brookville Cem, Glen Head, L.I., NY may fit here as well. --located by Michael Wolfe in L.I. Cemetery Inscriptions, vol. 1, p. 25)

Frederick's parents are Evert and Elizabeth (Van Liew) Van Wicklen.
Margretta's parents are David and Antie (Van Letten) Springsteen

Background information:

Frederick^4 Van Wicklen
(Evert^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) was b. about 1724 in Jamaica, Queens, NY and died before 1776. He married Margrietie (Geritje) Springsteen, 31 October 1747. Geritje was b. 1725 and bap. 4 April 1725 in Jamaica RDC, LI, NY and was the daughter of David and Antie (Van Letten) Springsteen. She died sometime after the 1800 census, in which she is listed as head of her household in Newtown. On 28 July 1767, Frederick Van Wicklen of Jamaica, yeoman, sold to David Carman for 290 pounds his dwelling house, barn, orchard, and land where he "now liveth" in Jamaica containing 40 acres, and no further record of him has been found. (See note below for a little more recently discovered information.

Information on parents of Margaretta (Springsteen) Van Wicklen (courtesy of Max Kaufman in 15 Dec 2004 email) Margaretta's parents are David and Antie (Van Lettten) Springsteen. David d. 27 Oct 1763 at Newtown, Queens, NY. His parents are Casper and Maria (Storm) Springsteen. Antie (Van Letten) Springsteen's parents are Gerrit Claessen and Maretie Van Letten. More information on this branch of the family can be found at http://www.longislandgenealogy.com/smith/fam08826.htm

Children: Evert^5 Van Wicklen, b. 1748 and bap. 26 December 1748 Success RDC (witnessed by Evert and Lena VW); Antyi^5 Van Wicklen, b. 1750 and bap. 29 June 1750 Jamaica RDC; David^5 Van Wicklen, b. abt. 1755. He m. Eunice Livesey. He died 28 April 1832; Frederick^5 Van Wicklen, b. abt. 1757. He married Rebecca Waring (b. 16 January 1757, Darien, CT), the daughter of John Waring (b. 21 Dec 1704, Norwalk, CT; d. before 1767, CT) and Katherine Tuttle (b. 2 Jan 1709, Norwalk CT). John Waring is the son of Edmund Waring (b. 1673, d. 5 Aug 1749) and Elizabeth Bouton (b. 1679). Edmund Waring is the son of Richard Waring and Lydia Ackley. See collection of information on Frederick Van Wickle in source section below; Gerrit^5 Van Wicklen, b. 1763 and bap. 7 August 1763, Flatlands, LI (Gerrit Jr. bap. same day); Margaret^5 Van Wicklen, b. abt. 1771. She died 13 April 1832 in her 61st year and was bur. Newtown RDC.; and possibly others. Evert^5 moved to Berkeley County, Va. (now W. Va.) and later was in Pickaway Co., Ohio. David settled in Newtown, L.I. while Frederick appears in Dutchess and Westchester Counties. Evert's descendents spell the surname Van Vickle, while David's use Van Wickel. (Macy, p. 246)

From Judy Houston (email dated 17 October 2000): Flatlands RDC, Baptismal Records (spelled the way it is in the records) Frederik Van Wikelin (no wife named), son Garret, Aug 7, 1763, No witnesses Garrit Van Wikelin/Maria Duryea, dau Geertrit, Aug 7, 1763, No witnesses

In the article cited below, Macy writes...

"A branch of the family using the spellings Van Wickler/Van Wicklar descends from an Evert Van Wicken (1775-1852) of Jamaica, and Hempstead who appears to be connected to the line of Evert^3 (Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) though the link has never been proved. On 12 October 1775 a child, Evert, was baptized at Success, L.I. under the "parents" the record reads "Wouter Kouvert as father," with no mother as in other entries for the period. In his 1804 will Walter Couvert Senr. of Hempstead refers to sons Tunis and Isaac, daughter Lena Golder, and grandson Evert Van Wyckle. This Evert can be traced in the censuses of 1800-1840 in Jamaica and Hempstead and died at Rockaway 12 July 1852, age 79 which points to him being the child baptized in 1775. The fact that there does not appear to be any way for a daughter of Covert to have married a Van Wicklen and had this son, or for Evert to have been a step-grandson--coupled with the peculiar wording of the baptismal record--strongly suggests that this Evert was born out of wedlock to a daughter of Walter Covert (probably Lena), fathered by a Van Wicklen who probably was already married to someone else.

The question here is, who was the father? Walter Covert was a brother of Femmetje/Phebe, the wife of Gerrit^4 (Evert^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) Van Wicklen, but that couple's oldest son was only 12 in 1775. Gerrit^4 himself might be the father, but he already had a son Evert and it seems improbable that he would allow this name to be given to another child. It is unlikely that his brother Johannes was the father as he was unmarried and thus free to marry the child's mother. Their father Evert^3 was alive but now 76 years old. their other brother, Frederick was probably dead by this time. His son Evert^5, however, was living in 1775. He was baptized 1748 and thus was the same age as Lena Covert (bap. 1749), and by 1775 he was also already married to someone else. Also, it was not unusual for an illegitimate son to be given the name of his reputed father. By 1782, Evert^5 was in Berkeley County, Va. (now W. Va.). Perhaps he left Long Island (and his mother and siblings also left Jamaica) to escape the situation. In any case, Evert^5 seems the most likely candidate for the father of the 1775 child." (Macy, p. 248) (Michael Wolfe in a 6 July 2000 email adds..."Evert had a liaison with Lena Covert, bap. 1749. She was then married (Lena Golder). She had issue Evert^6 Van Wickle, b. 1773, bap. 12 October 1775 Success, d. 12 July 1852 Rockaway, NY. This family stayed on Long Island.")

From Cheryl Viger in email dated 26 Nov 2001 -- New York City Wills, 1766-71, p. 43 -- The will of Benjamin Hinchman, of Jamaica, makes mention of Frederick Van Wicklin in the following manner: ... To my son James [I leave] 7 acres of wood land in Jamaica that I bought of Frederick Van Wicklin.

Harry Macy, Jr. The Van Wicklen/Van Wickle Family: Including its Frisian Origin and Connections to Minnerly and Kranchheyt; The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 128, No. 4 (October 1997); p. 246-8.

Harry Macy research notes on Frederick^4 and family...
Newtown Records from Register, p. 17 - 15 June 1753 at TM voted James Hezard, William Van Wickel, and Cornelius Berrien Jr to accompany supervisor to ga to consult abt a bill to be brought into the Assembly.
1786 Newtown Tax List only "Geo. V. Voiclin" L1.

1763 Will of David Springsteen names dau. Geritje, wife of Fdk Van Wicklen.

Tami, Chris "New York City Wills, 1760-66, Vol. 6" Orem, UT, Ancestry, Inc. 1999

Page 258.--In the name of God, Amen. I, DAVID SPRINGSTEEN, of Newtown, in Queens County, being in perfect health. I direct all debts to be paid. I leave to my wife Auntie (Ariantie?) the sole use of all houses, lands, and meadows, with the appurtenances in Newtown, during so long as she remains my widow. Also 1/3 of my movables. I leave to my eldest son Casparus the dwelling house in which he now lives, with the farm and land adjoining, bounded south by a road that goes from Hempstead Swamp to another road which leads out of the Ferry road to Newtown; west and east by land of Robert Field, and east by the old lane, including the orchard on north side of said lane. Also a lot of meadow on the south side of Newtown Creek joining to Robert Field. I leave to my son Gerritt the house and tract of land he lives on at Hempstead Swamp in Newtown, near to the dwelling house and land left to my son Casparus, bounded west by the fence on the west side of the old lane, north by Robert Field and Joseph Burroughs, east partly by the road from Newtown to Jamaica and partly by the new lane, and south by the lane which leads along through Hempstead Swamp. Also two lots of meadow lying at the head of the Vly in Newtown, one of which I purchased of Nathan Field, Jr., and the other I had of my father, Casparus Springsteen, deceased. I leave to my sons, Casparus and Gerritt, and my daughters, Mary, wife of Paulus Vandevoort; Anattie, wife of Jonathan Provoost; Charity, wife of Daniel Fleet, and Geritie, wife of Frederick Van Wicklen, all the rest of estate. I make my wife and sons executors. Dated March 25, 1753.

1767, 28 July (Queens Convs E-60) Frederick Van Wicklan of Jamaica, yeoman and Margaret, his wife to David Carman of Jamaica for L290, dwelling hse, barn, orchard and tract of land in Jamaica where the said FVW no liveth; contg 40 acres, N by farm of Jno Lawson, late of Rem Lott; E by same + ptly by a large pond; S by Samuel Doughty and Powel Amberman, W Abm Lot Jr + road from Beaver Pond to S Doughty's, excepting 7a of woodland lately conv. by FVW to Benj H. Signed "Fredrick Van Wicklen and Margaret Van Wicklen (her X). Units not rel.

Harry Macy research notes on Frederick^5 ...
16 November 1782 Frederick and Rebecca of Southeast, NY, sold part of her father's estate per Norwalk Deeds 15-76. Her father had died in Darien or Norwich when she was a minor and her brothers went to Dutchess Co. (GBR 102-8)

James A. Roberts, NY in the Rev as Col and State, 1898 (1798?) - p. 54 The Line (US Svc) 4th Regt, (Pvt) Frederick Van Wicklen

1800 census, Greenburgh, Westchester, Frederich Van Winkler - but this appears to be a Van Wickle, listed New Rochelle 1790 
(127). No record 1810. WCo Surr Ct LA D 10 iss 5-18-1819 on est of Frederich Van Winkle of Gbgh.

Information gathered on Frederick Van Wickle as of 10 Aug 2005:

1. Frederick^5 Van Wickle was b. bet. 1752 and 1757, NY

2. He married Rebecca Waring (b. 1757, CT) abt 1777. Rebecca Waring's father, John, dies before 1767 [when his will is probated]. Her father died in Darien or Norwalk, CT when Rebecca was still a minor. Rebecca's brothers move to Dutchess County, NY

3. 1776 Dutchess County Militia (Land Bounty Rights) - 3rd Regiment, Enlisted Men lists Fredrick Van Winkel. Source: New York in the Revolution as Colony and State, Vol. 1 - Extracts, J.B. Lyon Co., Albany, NY, 1904, p. 242 (There is also a John Waring among the enlisted men who might be related to Frederick's wife, Rebecca Waring. Rebecca's father, John, who died before 1767, may have had a son, John.)

4. On 16 Nov 1782 Frederick and Rebecca (Waring) Van Wickle of southeast NY sell part of her father's Norwalk, CT estate.

5. 1790 US Census for New Rochelle, Westchester, NY, lists household of Frederick Van Winkle as 1 male over 16 (Frederick), 2 males under 16, and seven females [one of which is obviously his wife, Rebecca].

6. 1800 US Census for Greenburg, Westchester, NY lists household of Frederick Van Winkeler as 3 males under 10, 1 male over 45 [Frederick], 2 females under 10, 1 female 10 to 16, one female 16-26, 1 female 26-45, and  1 female over 45. 

7. No record can be found for Frederick in the 1810 US Census. (Record located 26 Aug 2005 - 1810 US Census for Greensburgh, Westchester, NY lists Frederick Vanvikel in a household with one male < 10, 1 male 10 to 16, 1 male >45 (Frederick), 1 female 10 to 16 and 1 female >45 (Rebecca). This leaves room for the possibility that the male child age 10 to 16 could be Richard Van Wickel (b. 1798, NY)

8. Westchester County Surrogate Court Record issued 18 May 1819 on the estate of Frederich Van Winkle of Greenburgh, NY